Article 7 - Local
Committees of this
Local shall be appointed by the Local Executive Committee and approved by the
Local Membership as follows:
At least sixty (60)
days prior to the May Local General Meeting in the year prior to the Local
Triennial Meeting, the Local Executive Committee shall notify the membership of
all Committee positions on Local Standing Committees and Joint Union/Employer
Committees and that they will accept recommendations or volunteers. The
notification shall include a deadline for submissions.
The Local Executive
Committee shall appoint members to Committees for approval by the membership at
the Local General Meeting above.
Should vacancies
occur on committees, or if a new or an ad hoc committee is formed, the Local
Executive Committee shall notify the membership of such positions giving a
deadline for submissions. The Local Executive Committee shall appoint members for
approval at a subsequent Local General Meeting.
Terms of
Committees shall be
supplied with and bound by general and specific terms of reference drawn up by
the Local Executive Committee and approved by the Local membership.
Alterations to the
terms of reference shall be approved by the Local membership.
Types of Committees Committees shall be of three types:
Standing Committees
to deal with ongoing Local business. Members shall be appointed for a three (3)
year term or until the next May Local General Meeting in the year prior to the
Local Triennial Meeting.
Joint Local-Employer
Committees to deal with affairs of mutual interest. Local Members shall be
appointed for a three (3) year term or until the next May Local General Meeting
in year prior to the Local Triennial Meeting.
Ad Hoc Committees to
deal with non-recurring matters requiring study. Members shall be appointed for
the life of the Committee.
Instruction to
Appoint Ad Hoc Committee
The membership may
instruct the Local Executive Committee to establish an ad hoc committee by
motion properly moved, seconded, and carried; such motion shall detail:
The specific task to
be accomplished;
b. A recommendation
as to committee members;
c. The date by which
the committee is to present its report to the Local.
(NSGEU Local 77 Bylaws June 2019)